[{"event":"view_item","ecommerce":{"currencyCode":"EUR","value":67.430000000000007,"items":[{"item_id":208450,"item_name":"Page into 4 pcs for Graded Beckett Slabs, 40 pcs per pack","price":67.430000000000007,"discount":8.4399999999999977,"item_category":"SUPPLIES Ultra Pro, BCW"}]}}]
HOKEJ-KARTY.CZ ONLINE STORE - Collect, trade, enjoy!
The Graded Slab Page is the perfect way to store, organize and easily view your graded card slabs in an Ultra PRO 3-ring album. This page is designed to hold 4 Beckett graded slabs in a rigid, 3-hole punched page. This page features special lock-in tabs and finger notches to easily remove and reorganize slabs. These pages are a great way to show off your collection or easily carry to conventions and signings.